
January 14, 2011

Undercover FBI Informant Infiltrates Peace Movement

Bill Sorem / Uptake
January 13, 2011

“Karen Sullivan” babysat their kids, chaired their committee meetings, and even balanced their books.

All the while, she was working for the FBI and spying on the people that called her friend.

On Wednesday the Anti-War Committee which was a target of the FBI raids on September 24, 2010, revealed that FBI informant “Karen Sullivan” had infiltrated the group two-and-a-half years ago. She was involved in most major committee work, had a key to the office (used by the FBI on September 24) and had worked on the financial accounts.

Jess Sundin, one of the committees founders and the other people rounded jp in the September 24 raid were outraged at this violation. It is the very type of operation scorned by the Dept.of Justice Inspector General in an October. 2010 report.

One of the most egregious actions was her volunteering for fund raising and planning for a trip for peace activists for a trip to a US listed NGO in Palestine. Sullivan even accompanied two people on the trip apparently warning Israeli authorities of the planned visit. Sullivan returned immediately to the US, the other two were detained overnight and interrogated about who they were going to see. The two activists returned to Minneapolis on August 4, 2010.

The subpoenas to the Chicago grand jury are still in force and three people may be ordered to Chicago on January 25, the date of a planned national protest about the FBI actions.


Secret government informer “Karen Sullivan” infiltrated Minnesota activist groups-City Pages

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