
January 10, 2011

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz. [1]

We all know that music can alter your mood. Sad songs can make you cry. Upbeat songs may give you an energy boost. But can music create the same effects as illegal drugs?

This seems like a ridiculous question. But websites are targeting your children with so-called digital drugs. These are audio files designed to induce drug-like effects.

All your child needs is a music player and headphones.

Understanding binaural beats

There are different slang terms for digital drugs. They're often called "idozers" or "idosers." All rely on the concept of binaural beats.

It is incorrect to call binaural beats music. They're really ambient sounds designed to affect your brain waves.

For binaural beats to work, you must use headphones. Different sounds are played in each ear. The sounds combine in your brain to create a new frequency. This frequency corresponds to brain wave frequencies.

There are different brain wave frequencies. These frequencies are related to different states like relaxation and alertness.

Digital drugs supposedly synchronize your brain waves with the sound. Hence, they allegedly alter your mental state.

Binaural beats create a beating sound. Other noises may be included with binaural beats. This is intended to mask their unpleasant sound.

Different types of digital drugs

Some sites provide binaural beats that have innocuous effects. For example, some claim to help you develop extrasensory powers like telepathy and psychokinesis.

Other sites offer therapeutic binaural beats. They help you relax or meditate. Some allegedly help you overcome addiction or anxiety. Others purport to help you lose weight or eliminate gray hair.

However, most sites are more sinister. They sell audio files ("doses") that supposedly mimic the effects of alcohol and marijuana.

But it doesn't end there. You'll find doses that purportedly mimic the effects of LSD, crack, heroin and other hard drugs. There are also doses of a sexual nature. I even found ones that supposedly simulate heaven and hell.

(click link below for complete story)

Web delivers new worry for parents: Digital drugs

(*I do not recommend head phones / just using as an example so you gat get the basic idea.)

Notice how shallow the wave is. The above pulse would be barely detectable.

This is the full effect that a binaural beat audio product has on the brain.

The Truth About Binaural Beats


Utilizing light and sound pulses at a specified frequency, these machines stimulate the brain wave activity of the user, leading the user's mind from normal waking consciousness to a variety of altered states of consciousness.


The specific frequency ranges and their associated mental states are as follows:

BETA 13-30 Hz: Normal waking state; attention directed to surroundings. Includes agitated, restless/"monkey mind" states which are especially amenable to treatment with light and sound stimulation.

ALPHA 8-13 Hz: Relaxed, tranquil, daydreaming, "inward awareness" state.

THETA 4-8 Hz: Borderline sleep; meditation state with access to the unconscious; creativity, learning, inspiration.

DELTA 1-4 Hz: Deep, dreamless sleep; trance state.

full story

Thanx to Lisha, Hydrophunk & all the good peeps at The Industry Exposed Forum!

The Industry Forum: Binaural Beats

Find more at:
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"The price of freedom is your time.
The forfeiture of freedom comes from your lack of knowledge."

Martin Luther King

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